Delhi Metro Multiple Payment Method

 DMRC ( Delhi Metro Rail Corporation ) multiple payment modes with their pros and cons -:


Purchase form 

1) Ticket counter 

2) Token Vending machine


1) Valid for the day of its purchase 


1) Only unused tokens can be refunded 

2) Within 60 minutes 

3) From Token issue station 

Only one way journey is permitted 

Smart Card 


1) Save time

2)  Avoid standing in queue

3)  Freedom of choice of originating and destination station

4)  Minimum discount of 10% in every journey

5)  Used in DTC, Cluster & Metro feeder buses 

Purchase from

1) Customer care center 

2) Smart card vending machine 

3) For Rs. 150/- (Rs. 50/-Security Deposit plus Rs. 100/- Add value)


At Customer Care Center

1) Minimum value Rs. 200/-

2)  Thereafter in multiple of Rs. 100/-

 At Ticket Vending Machine

1) Minimum value Rs. 100/- 

2) Thereafter in multiples of Rs. 50/-

 Through Credit/Debit Card

1) Minimum value Rs. 100/-

2)  Thereafter in multiples of Rs. 50/- 

3) Online recharge - Through DMRC Portal 

4) (For more information, please visit 

Auto Top Up 

1) Issued by selected banks (check with your bank) 

2) Auto top up through automatic fare collection gate 

3) Value of Rs.200/- will be addded when balance of card goes below Rs.100/- 

Maximum amount in smart card shall be Rs. 3000/-

Validity - Ten years from date of purchase or date of last recharge


1) 10% on every journey 

2) Additional discount of 10% is given if commuter enters into paid area during off peak hours* 

  Off-Peak Hours                       From                                                   Till

                                                 Start of revenue services               Before 8:00 AM

                                                 12:00 Noon                                   Before 5:00 AM

                                                 09:00 Pm                                       Close of revenue services

 Tourist Card

Types of cards

One day card

1) For Rs. 200/-(Rs. 150/- plus Rs.50 refundable security)

Three day card

1) For Rs. 500/- (Rs. 450/- plus Rs.50 refundable security)


Amount in Tourist card shall not be refunded Security deposit shall be refunded after surrendering reachable and physically OK card

 National Common Mobility Card

Use Rupay debit card Issued by banks for travel(check with your bank) 

Please enable this card at first time from customer care 


1) Save time 

2) Amount standing in queue

3)  Freedom of choice of originating and destination station

 APP based QR-Ticketing System


  • Install DMRC Travel APP 
  • Login using your valid credentials 
  • Proceed to Book Tickets (QR ticket)
  •  Select Source and Destination
  •  Select number of passengers
  •  Proceed for payment
  •  Get the QR-code/ticket 
  • Present the same QR code on the gate scanner to make entry & exit 
New QR Tickets

  • Can be purchased only after the last purchased tickets have been exited with or have expired after end of buisness day
 Maximum permissible time to stay in paid area

  • 180 minutes - entry/exit from diffrent station 
  • 20 minutes - entry/exit from same station

  • Only from the station selected

  • Passanger can exit at
  •  Selected station, or 
  • Before destinantion station, or 
  • Stations with same fare 
Mobile phone being lost 

  • Commuter will be considered as without ticket
 Paper QR Ticket

Purchse From

  • Customer Care Center 
  • Ticket window

  • Maximum six number can be issued
  •  Not issued for same station 
  • For entry, scan paper QR ticket at QR scanner of AFC gate
  •  No provision for additional receipt as it is ticket cum reciept

  • For the buisness day of issue
 Maximum premissible time to stay in paid ares

  • : 180 minutes - entry/exit from diffrent station 
  • 20 minutes - entry/exit from same station 
Safekeeping of Paper QR ticket 

  • Commuter is responsible to keep it till the end of journey 
  • No provision for duplicate/extra QR ticket in case of loss
  •  If torn, penalty of Rs 50 plus maximum fare will be charged.
What is a token?

A token is a valid ticket used for single journey travel.

 From where can I purchase a token?

Tokens are available across all ticketing windows and Ticket Vending Machines at stations

 How many types of tokens/cards are available in Delhi Metro?

S. No   . DMRC Product

 1          Single Journey Token 

2            Smart Card 

3           Tourist Card (1 day or 3 days)

 4          Single Journet Paper QR Ticket, Mobile App base QR Pass

 5          Trip Card (10, 30, 45 Trip), Mobile App based Trip Pass

 Is there any time limit within which I should enter the Metro Station after purchasing the token? 

No, the token remains valid for whole day from the station of purchase

. Time Zone          Distance (in KM)       Time Limit (in minutes)

Zone-1                    0-12                              65

 Zone-2                   12-21                           100

 Zone-3                  More than 21               180 

After expiry of the time limit, a penalty @ Rs 10/ per hour subject to maximum of Rs 50/- will be charged In Airport Express Line - The maximum travel time limit in 65 Minutes for single journey. After expiry of the time limit a penalty @ Rs 20/ per hour subject to maximum of Rs 400/- will be charged

 Can I exit from the same station where I have entered? 

Yes, within 20 minutes after entry. After expiry of the time limit a penalty @ Rs 10/ per hour subject to maximum of Rs 50/- will be charged In Airport Express Line - within 30 minutes after entry. After expiry of the time limit a penalty @Rs 20/ per hour subject to maximum of Rs 400/- will be charged

. Can I get retun token? No

 Can I enter from any station other than the station from where I purchased the token? No 

How I get refund of my token?

An unused token is refundable at full amount form token purchase station only, within 60 minutes of purchase of token. Partially used tokens can be refunded in exeptional cases, like disruption in service, unusual delay in train running due to incident In Airport Express Line - Refund of single journey paper QR ticket in not permitted. partially used single Journey Paper QR Ticket can be refunded in exceptional cases like disruption in services 

Can I get refund of balance fare if I get down at a station before the destination station for which I have purchased the token/ticket?  No 

Can I extend my journey beyond the original destination?  Yes, if you are token holder, the additional fare for extended journey has to be paid at customer care centre of destination station before making an exit from AFC gates. If you are a smart card holder, the fare for journey will be automatically deducted at the time of exit. 

What should I do if I lose my token/card?

You should approach Customer Care Centre at your destination station. You will be treated without ticket & shall be chargedMax. Fare + Rs 50/-, In case later on passenger approaches that Token/Card is recovered, no refund is permissible & token shall be confiscated.

 What is a smart card? What are the advantages of smart card? 

  • A Smart Card is special type of ticket used for multiple journeys based on value available on it. The use of smart card offer following advantages: 
  • Save time from daily purchase of token
  •  Avoid standing in queue for purchase of token 
  • Provides freedom of choice of originating and destination station
  • . A discount of 10% will be given on every journey made by the passenger on smart card
. How do Smart cards work?

Smart card is a contactlesscard. You just place your smart card on the reader of AFC gate; it will automatically validate the card, and deduct the correct fare for the journey taken at the time of exit.

 How can I purchase a smart card?

Smart Cards can be purchased from Customer Care centre of any Station & from SCVM (Smart Card Vending Machine) available at selected metro stations of DMRC. 

Can we purchase cards/token online?

One can purchase cards/tokens from counter at station only, however facility for online recharge of smart card is available through website, Paytm, PhonePe etc. In Airport Express Line – QR Code can be generated through “Ridlr’ or 'Paytm app & same can be used as single journey ticket.

 Do I need to submit any document/proof to get a smart card?  No

 Can I purchase smart card for my family, friends or any other person known to me? Yes

 How many people can travel on a single Smart Card?

Only one person is authorised to travel on single smart card at a time.

 What is the validity of smart card?

A Smart Card is valid for 10 years from the date of last recharge

. How much discount is offered on the use of smart card?

A discount of 10% will be given on every journey made by the passenger on smart card

. Note: Additional discount @10% is given to commuters using Smart Card who enter during non-peak hours (except in airport express line). 

    Non-Peak Hours                                          From                                        To 

                                                                    Start of Revenue Service              Before 08.00 AM 

                                                                     12.00 Noon                                  Before 05.00 PM

                                                                     09.00 PM                                    Closing of Revenue Service

 The additional discount will be available during weekdays from Monday to Saturday except National Holidays viz Republic Day (26th January), Independence Day (15th August) & Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti (2nd October). 

How can I check the available balance in my smart card?

The balance available on a Smart Card can be checked at Ticket Reader cum add value machine (AVM) available on Customer Care Centres at a Station. 

What is the minimum balance required in Smart Card for travel?

A minimum balance (presently Rs10/-) is required to enter in station. The customer can travel up to his desired destination. The difference in the fare & available balance will be recorded in his card which will be automatically adjusted upon next recharge or from security deposit during refund.

 What precautions are to be taken while using Smart Card? 

Show your card at the entry gate, every valid entry is to be followed by valid exit. In case ofentry/exit mismatch, penalty/surcharge equivalent to highest value transaction among the lastfive journeys performed will be charged. 

How can I get refund of available balance in my smart card?

The balance (excluding security deposit) in smart card shall not be refunded.

 1. For readable and physically OK cards, during surrender of smart card, only security deposit shall be returned after adjusting negative value (if any) on the card along with deduction of processing charges of Rs 20/- subject to availability of sufficient balance security deposit on the card.

 2. No security deposit return will be entertained on physically damaged cards.

 3. In case of expired card; neither electronic balance nor security deposit shall be returned. 

Can I use the smart card to make entry and exit at the same station? 

Yes, fare of Rs10/- will be deducted from Smart Card during the exit. (The discount shall not be applicable, if passenger made entry and exit from same station.) 

My card is not working and I deposited my card with Customer Care executive. What should I do in such case?

it is possible that the chip of Smart Card becomes unreadable in the system. In such cases the passenger will be issued a new smart card of Rs.150/- (Rs50/- security deposit and Rs 100/- electronic value) immediately after payment of Rs 100/- if card is not physically damaged.

 Note:- 1. If deposited unreadable smart card is physically damaged then Rs 50/- will be taken from passenger in cash as security deposit before issuing a new card. 

2. In case unreadable smart card is physically OK, no security deposit will be taken from passenger. 

3. To get the balance of deposited card, Passenger will have to validate the new issued smart card (issued at the time of deposited unreadable smart card) on Ticket Reader 

Why my smart card is not working?

Smart Card has an electronic chip inside it. When chip is damaged or card has become physically defective, the card will not work

 What happens if I damage or lose my token/card? 

if you lost your token/card then you will be treated without ticket and have to pay a fine.

What could be the reasons of Smart Card (Travel Card) getting damage?

Smart card should be handled with care. Don’t expose them to extreme temperature, moister, bend or keep near the magnets.

 Is there any condition when 10% discount is not available in smart card? 

Yes,   A) If it requires any adjustment on account of mismatch (errors). 

         B) If passenger made entry and exit from same station.

 I have lost my smart card. Can I block its usage and get refund of my balance amount?  No.

 What are criteria for ticket charges of a child?

Children upto 3 feet (90 cms) height are allowed to travel free if accompanied by an adult. For children above 3 feet (90 cms) , normal fare will be charged.

 Is there any monthly card for unlimited travel?

IN DMRC - No monthly card is available. However, 1 day and 3 days tour card are available to facilitate passengers.

 In Airport Express Line- This facility is available only on Airport Express Line, monthly card having provision of 30 & 45 trips has been made available in Airport Express Line of DMRC exclusively.

 What is tourist card?

Tourist cards shall be available with unlimited rides based on validity period. 1 day validity tourist card is valid for one day and 3 day validity tourist card is valid for three days from the date of sale.

 How can I get a tourist card?

A Tourist Card can be purchased from Customer Care Centre of any Station. 1 day validity tourist cards can be purchased for Rs. 200/- and 3 days validity tourist card can be purchased at Rs 500/- out of which security deposit of Rs 50/- is refundable. Tourist Card is only applicable in DMRC network.

 How many journeys per day are allowed by a tourist card?

Unlimited rides for the day of purchase on 1 day validity tourist cards and unlimited rides for 3 days on 3 days validity tourist cards. 

Is there any time limit for exiting fromthe metro station after enering at any station with a tourist card?  No

. Can I get refund of tourist card if I don\'t use it?

Irrespective of use, only security deposit (Rs 50/-) amount is refunded after depositing the card

. What is the defination of physically damaged Smart Card?

Smart Card is considered as damaged if: 

a) Smart Card is in bent condition (when Smart card is placed on flat surface, all the four corners are not touching the surface). Visible mark /crease on Smart Card. 

b) Smart Card has visible cut mark or corner is cut. 

c) Smart Card surface is badly worn out and/or engraved ID is not visible. 

d) Smart Card is having hole, mark of staple, punched, burnt, laminated with other items, chemically treated, etc. 

e) Smart Card is broken or any part damaged. 

Where can I get information about delay or failures in train services?

Contact 24x7 DMRC helpline number

 How can I get the information regarding nearest station for famous places landmarks like hotels, Govt. Buildings, Historical places etc?

1. You may contact DMRC 24x7 DMRC helpline number. 

2. You may visit Tour Guide section of Delhi Metro website 

3. Book named 'Delhi by Metro' is also recommended, which available at Patel Chowk metro station on MRP of Rs. 399/-.

 How to get assistance for a sick person while travelling in Metro Train?

Passenger Emergency Alarm/Handle are provided on every alternate door of Metro Train. By operating this, the problem can be informed to Train Operator.Next station will be informed to provide /arrange prompt medical assistance. 

How can I get wheel chair at a Metro station? 

While entering at station contact Customer Care Centre for assistance. Staff will arrange the wheel chair at entry and exit station or you may also contact 24x7 DMRC Helpline number so that it can be provided on your arrival at station.

 Whether toilet facilities are available in train or stations?

Toilet facility is not available inside Metro Trains.however toilet facilities are available at metro stations in paid/unpaid area on \'Pay & Use\' basis. 

What about medical facilities?

First Aid facility is available at all stations. For any medical emergency, ambulance service is also arranged through CATS. How much weight is allowed with a person while travelling on Delhi Metro?

 Is a feeder bus available at all stations? No 

Can I travel in feeder bus and then in metro with the same card? 

Yes, but only AC feeder buses accepts smart card as mode of payment

. What is Passenger Emergency Alarm? 

It is a communication system provided in train for Communication between passenger and Train Operator in case of some emergencies. 



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