U.P House Tax Calculation


Uttar Pradesh House Tax Calculation-:  

  • House Tax is calculated on Carpet area
  • Carpet area = Covered area - 20% of Covered area
  • Covered area is written on नक्शा given by MDA

For Residential-:

eg-: House Super area = 2200 sqft

Note-: There is 20% difference between super area & covered area

so, covered area = 2200 - 20% of 2200 

covered area = 1760 sqft ~1800 sqft ( approx.)

Note-: Carpet area is 20% less than Covered area

so, Carpet area = 1800 - 20% of 1800

   Carpet area = 1440 sqft

Case 1: If you are living in that house, then 25% की छूट 

27,000 - 25% of 27,000 


House tax of 1 year = 15% of 20,250 

                                = 3038 Rs per year

Case 2:

If house is given on rent then there is no discount of 25%

= 27,000 + 25 % of 27,000

= 33,750

House tax of 1 year = 15 % of 33,750  

                               = 5063 Rs per year

For Commercial Property-:

 Let Carpet area = 1000 sqft

Case 1 -: 

If Parking is there, then there is 2% discount

= 1,35,000 - 2% of 1,35,000

= 1,32,300

House tax for 1 year = 15% of 1,32,300

                                  = 19,845 Rs per year

Case 2 -: 

If parking is not made then 2 % discount is not given

= 1,35,000 + 2% of 1,35,000

= 1,37,700

House tax for 1 year = 15% of 1,37,700

                                 = 20,655 Rs per year


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